Setup Ticketing for a Collection

Once you complete the Intercom Integration with ClearFeed by following the steps mentioned here, you will need to enable Intercom ticketing for a Collection. This can be done by following the steps given below:

Collection Configurations

  1. Choose the required collection from the list on the left-hand panel

  2. Click on "Settings"

  3. Click on "Ticketing Settings"

  4. Choose Intercom as the Ticketing Integration

  5. Choose the trigger mode (Emoji/Automatic)

  6. Click on the ⚙️ icon to open Additional Settings for Intercom. Here, you must select the default Ticket Type for creating Intercom tickets. Hit Save after the selection to proceed

  7. Click on Save to successfully save the integration

Sync Functionalities for Intercom

Control the sync settings for your integration from Objects. Sync settings allow you to choose whether messages are synced bidirectionally or in a single direction. Additionally, you can decide if updates to the linked ticket's status are shared in the Slack thread.

Sync Settings

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