Work on Freshdesk tickets from Slack

Bring Freshdesk tickets into Slack and empower your agents to collaborate using ClearFeed

What is the Reverse Freshdesk workflow?

  • Freshdesk tickets that are started outside of Slack (via email or help center) can be brought to Slack

  • ClearFeed would enable bi-directional sync of comments and status ensuring that the support team can remain on Slack first while details are captured in the Freshdesk ticket.

After completing the steps below, please contact us on Slack or via to enable this feature for your account.

Setting up the Reverse Freshdesk flow

Part A: Configuring Slack and ClearFeed to support Freshdesk ticketing

  1. Create a dedicated Slack channel to receive the tickets and monitor the channel using ClearFeed (learn how to monitor a channel).

  2. Create a new Slack Webhook Workflow

    1. Go to Slack Workflow Builder

    2. Create a workflow and start the workflow from a webhook

    3. Configure the variables ticket_id

    4. As a next step, select Send Messages to a channel

    5. Select the channel that we configured in Step 1

    6. Customize the message body to include mandatorily the ticket_id variable

    7. Finish and publish the workflow

  1. Copy the Web Request URL from the webhook workflow step once published.

  1. Whitelist the Slack Webhook Workflow Bot: Go to the following page → and under Whitelist Bot, select and add the bot with the same name as the webhook workflow created previously.

Part B: Configuring Freshdesk to send tickets to Slack

  1. Now go to Freshdesk Admin Center → Workflows -> Automations and add a New Rule under the Ticket Creation category.

  2. Add the following condition mandatorily:

You can also add other conditions and rules, but make sure that any new ticket that is created should satisfy the rule mentioned below

  1. Under the actions dropdown, select the Trigger Webhook action. Then, add the details as shown below:

    1. Request Type: POST

    2. URL: Place the Web Request URL we obtained from the Slack workflow

Creating and working on Tickets using this approach

  1. Start a ticket directly from Freshdesk via email (to the Freshdesk support group)

  2. Notice how the ticket comes as a notification into Slack in the monitored channel

  3. ClearFeed replies to the notification with ticket sync details

  4. Reply to the Slack thread and observe how the comments get synced back to Freshdesk and vice-versa.

Last updated