
Create requests from Slack channels, ClearFeed Slack App, Personal DMs and /File a Ticket command

What are Requests?

Requests on ClearFeed are queries from customers or internal users about a single topic that should be brought to closure.

  • Every new thread on Slack channels from a requester is a new request on ClearFeed.

  • Our AI ignores messages that are greetings or simple statements such as "Hey", "How is the team doing?", etc...

  • Any new message that is part of the same thread is treated as a part of the same request.

Requests vs Tickets

When request properties such as status, priority, etc. are shared with the requester - the request is referred to as a Ticket.

Users can create requests in the following ways:

  1. File a ticket button

  2. DM the ClearFeed App

Some important terminology:

  1. Requester: A user who starts the thread on a Slack channel to get support.

  2. Responder: Users from an organization responsible for working on the requests (e.g. agents).

  3. Request Channel: Slack channels where users ask questions/report issues.

Last updated