Metric Definitions - Requests

Number of Requests

  • Definition - Total requests initiated by the requestors during the selected period

  • Exclusions - If there are requests initiated before the selected period but have messages during the selected period, they are not considered as requests

  • Reporting Unit - Number

  • Calculation - If ten requests were raised (started) today, and my team also worked on four requests that were started before today, then the total number of requests for today would be ten.

  • Requests with Tickets - Turn on the 'Requests with Tickets' toggle to view insights specifically for the tickets in that account.

Number of Messages

  • Definition - The total number of slack messages in the selected time

    • This includes slack messages from both responders and requesters

    • This also includes messages that are not requests

    • This also includes messages that are done in requests initiated before the selected period

  • Exclusions - Messages from bots that are not whitelisted on ClearFeed

  • Reporting Unit - Number

Time to First Response

  • Definition - The average time interval between the time the request is raised and the time of the first response by a responder.

    • Note that 👀 and 🎟️ are considered responses

  • Exclusions

    • Open requests without any responses will not be included in the metric computation.

      • Example - If there are a total of 10 requests in the selected duration, and only 8 have had a first response, only 8 requests will be used for computation.

    • Messages which are not a request are not considered in this metric.

  • Reporting Unit - Average in Minutes

  • Calculation - If ten requests were raised today, and five of them had a response in 15 minutes and the rest five in 20 minutes, the time to the first response will be 17.5 minutes.

  • Impact of Business Hours - Any time gap in the response that falls outside of the business schedule is not counted in the calculation

    • Example

      • The business schedule is 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

      • The request comes at 8:00 AM

      • The first response is sent at 9:30 AM

      • The first response time will be 30 minutes (9:30 AM - 9:00 AM)

Response Time

  • Definition - Average time interval, in minutes, between every message by a requestor and the next message by a responder.

    • This includes the average time to the first response and the next response (and subsequent responses)

    • Not all responses considered in the calculation might be from requests initiated during the period of calculation.

    • Note that 👀 and 🎟️ are considered responses

  • Calculation - If for a request there are 2 responses from the responder:

    • The time to the first response is 4 mins

    • The time to the next response is 8 mins

    • The average time to respond to the request would be 6 minutes.

  • Reporting Unit - Average in Minutes

  • Exclusions - Open requests without any responses will not be included in the metric computation.

    • Example - If there are a total of 10 requests in the selected duration, and only 8 have had a first response, only 8 requests will be used for computation.

  • Messages which are not a request are not considered in this metric.

  • Requests with Tickets - Turn on the 'Requests with Tickets' toggle to view insights specifically for the tickets in that account.

  • Impact of Business Hours - Business hours are not taken into account for the reporting of this metric. (Coming Soon!)

Resolution Time

  • Definition - It is the average duration between the creation of a request and its last resolution. Here, resolution means marking the request as Solved. It accounts for the entire lifecycle of a request, from initiation to resolution, capturing changes in status due to reopening, which affects the overall time taken for resolution.

    • Note: If a request was solved and later re-opened, it is not considered for calculating resolution time.

  • Exclusions

    • Requests which were initiated, but don't have Status = Solved/Closed currently will not be included in the metric computation. Request with Status = Open, In Progress, On Hold, or Pending will not be considered to calculate this metric.

      • Example: If there are a total of 10 requests initiated in the selected duration, and only 8 have been marked as Solved/Closed, then only 8 requests will be used for computation.

    • Messages which are not a request are not considered in this metric.

  • Reporting Unit - Average Time (in Minutes)

  • Calculation - If ten requests are raised, and five of them are marked as Solved. And, if all five requests were solved in ten minutes, the closure time for these five requests would be ten minutes.

  • Impact of Business Hours - Any time gap in the resolution time that falls outside of the business hours is not counted in the calculation

    • Example

      • The business schedule is 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

      • The request comes at 8:00 AM

      • The request is solved the next day at 9:30 AM

      • Resolution time will be 8 hr 30 mins = (5 PM - 9 AM) + (9:30AM - 9 AM)

First Resolution Time

  • Definition - Average time duration between the creation of a request and when it is marked as solved (i.e. the request is resolved) for the first time. It serves as the metric to give an estimate of how quickly the first resolution of a request occurs.

    • This includes all requests which were resolved at least once. Any requests which have not been resolved at all will not be considered.

    • If a request's state changes after resolution, it does not affect the first resolution time. That is if a request is Marked as Solved but its status is shifted back to Open, In Progress, Pending, On-Hold, or Closed it won't affect the first resolution time metric.

    • Example: Consider 5 requests are created at 10:00 AM.

      • Out of these 5 requests, 3 requests are marked as solved after 5, 10, and 15 minutes post-creation respectively.

      • Then, the First Resolution Time would be (5+10+15)/3 = 10 minutes.

  • Exclusions - Requests that haven't been marked as solved at least once will not be factored into this metric's computation. In the example given above, only the three requests that were marked as solved were considered for the calculation.

  • Reporting Unit - Average in minutes.

  • Impact of Business Hours - Any time gap falling outside of the business hours while computing the First Resolution time is not considered in the calculation.

    • Example:

      • Consider the business hours for an organization are 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

      • A request is created at 8:00 AM and it is marked as solved for the first time at 10:30 AM.

      • The First Resolution time in such a case would be 30 minutes (10 AM - 10:30 AM).

  • Requests with Tickets - Turn on the 'Requests with Tickets' toggle to view insights specifically for the tickets in that account.

Average CSAT Score

  • Definition - This metric reflects the average of CSAT scores, ranging from 1 (low satisfaction) to 5 (high satisfaction), provided by requesters after their request/ticket is moved to the 'solved' state.

    • Example - If three requesters give CSAT scores of 1, 3, and 5, the average score will be calculated as (1+3+5)/3 = 3

  • Exclusions - In instances where the responders have not provided any CSAT scores, the metric is designated as "N/A" (Not Available). This ensures that the average is only calculated from actual data.

  • Reporting Unit: Average Score

  • Requests with Tickets - Turn on the 'Requests with Tickets' toggle to view insights specifically for the tickets in that account.

% of First Response SLA Breached

  • Definition - Percentage of requests that breached the first response SLA configured in the SLA policies

    • Logic - No. of requests violating First Response SLA in a given time / Total number of requests in a given time

    • It is mandatory to have SLAs set up to be able to use this metric

  • Calculation - If ten requests were raised today that have had a first response and six of them breached the first response time (considering business hours), the percentage here will be 60%

  • Reporting Unit - Percentage (%)

  • Impact of Business Hours - Any first response time gap that falls outside of the business hours is not considered a breach

    • Example

      • First Response SLA Policy - 60 mins

      • The business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

      • The request comes at 8:00 AM

      • The request was responded to at 9:30 AM

      • The First Response Time will be 30 mins = (9:30 AM - 9 AM)

      • This will not be considered a breach

% of Resolution Time SLA Breached

  • Definition - Percentage of requests that breached the Resolution Time SLA configured in the SLA policies

    • Logic - No. of requests violating Resolution Time SLA in a given time / total number of requests that are closed in a given time

    • It is mandatory to have SLAs set up to be able to use this metric

  • Exclusion - Messages that are not a request are not considered in this metric.

  • Calculation - If ten requests were raised today which were resolved and six of them breached the resolution time SLA policy (considering business hours), the percentage of breaches here will be 60%

  • Reporting Unit - Percentage (%)

  • Impact of Business Hours - Any resolution time gap that falls outside of the business hours is not considered a breach

    • Example

      • Resolution Time SLA Policy - 120 minutes

      • The business hours are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

      • The request comes at 8:00 AM

      • The request was resolved at 10:30 AM

      • Resolution Time will be 90 mins = (9 AM to 10:30 AM)

      • This will not be considered a breach

% One Touch Resolution Breached

  • Definition - Percentage of requests that breached the One Touch SLA (eg. 2 replies) configured in the SLA policies

    • Logic - No. of tickets violating one-touch resolution SLA in a given time / Total No. of closed requests in a given time

    • It is mandatory to have SLAs set up to be able to use this metric

  • Exclusion - Messages that are not a request are not considered in this metric.

  • Calculation - If ten requests were solved today and six of them had more than configured responses (for one touch), the percentage of breaches here will be 60%.

  • Reporting Unit - Percentage (%)

  • Impact of Business Hours - No Impact

Last updated