Setup Ticketing for a Collection

Enable Jira Ticketing for a Collection

  1. Navigate to Collections on the web app.

  2. Choose a Collection from the left panel and go to its Settings.

  3. Expand the Ticketing section and enable ticketing using the toggle.

  4. Choose Jira as the Ticketing Integration, and select a Trigger Mode.

    • For the Emoji trigger mode, select the desired emoji from the available list.

  5. Click on Configure to set Advanced Jira Settings

    • Specify Jira projects & issue types for the collection

      • All available Jira projects & issue types - Users can choose the Project and Issue Type every time they file a Jira ticket.

      • Specific Jira projects & issue types - Users will only see the specified Projects and Issue Types to choose from when creating a Jira ticket.

    • Set Ticketing Permission

      • You can configure permission to allow non-Jira users to also create and solve Jira issues.

We support JIRA software projects and JIRA Product Discovery projects alongside standard projects.

Pro Tip: If you want to directly file Jira tickets without showing up any form - configure a particular Project and Issue Type (as shown in step 5) and make all fields in that Issue Type Optional.

Emoji Rules for Jira integration

  • React to the request message using the 👀 and emojis to assign and solve Jira issues respectively.

  • Learn how to enable and configure emoji rules here.

  • Using the 👀 emoji on a request assigns the Jira issue to the user and moves the status from To-do (or your default initial state) -> In Progress.

  • Using the emoji moves the Jira issue to Done.

    • Note: Under Ticketing Settings -> Advanced Jira Settings, you should enable the toggle to allow non-Jira users to create and solve tickets.

If the assignment of the Jira issue is done on Jira directly - we don't show the 👀 emoji on the thread to indicate the assignment.

Last updated