ClearFeed Child Accounts

Explore how to create and manage multiple ClearFeed accounts

Why would you need to create additional ClearFeed accounts?

Creating a child account is advisable in the following scenarios:

  • If you want to integrate multiple domains from your ticketing system into the same Slack workspace.

  • Connect to multiple Slack workspaces.

  • Use ClearFeed for customer support and internal support. In this case - it makes sense to separate the use cases in different accounts.

  • For internal helpdesk support - creating multiple accounts can be helpful to isolate work across different teams.

Creating Child Accounts

To create additional ClearFeed accounts, you need to be an Admin in the primary account. This is mandatory.

Steps on how to create multiple ClearFeed accounts:

  1. Navigate to your profile icon at the bottom-left corner

  2. Click on Create New Account.

  3. Enter a name for the new account.

  4. Choose the required sharing option for this account:

    • Share Slack workspace with your account: Connect your new account with the same Slack workspace. This allows you to connect with other ticketing integrations into the same Slack workspace (e.g. connect multiple Zendesk domains with this approach).

    • Share other integrations with your account: Connect this account with a new Slack workspace but share the ticketing integrations with the primary account.

      • E.g.: Connect different Slack workspaces with the same Intercom domain using this approach.

Learn more about multiple accounts:

Switching between multiple accounts

Once you have created additional accounts, you can switch between the accounts by simply hovering over the profile icon (bottom-left corner) and you will notice all the accounts. From there, click on the account you want to switch to and you'll be redirected to that account.

Last updated