
Collections are a group of slack channels on which similar request management and ticketing settings will apply. These settings include a set of responders, triage channels, workflows (eg. alerts on requests and no responses), ticketing settings, and many more.

Note that any collections you create will belong to the same product edition chosen during account setup. To verify your current product edition, navigate to product editions in the account settings.

Create a Collection

Note that Creating a Collection varies by Product Edition. Select your product edition from the options below to learn how to create a corresponding collection

Collection Settings

Collection settings allow you to configure and manage some important configurations to kickstart the ClearFeed request/ticketing flow for each channel.

To access collection settings, navigate to the Collections from the navigation bar → Select the Collection → Click on Settings, as shown below:

Collection settings are broken into the following parts:

Responder Settings

Under these settings, you can set up the responders in the triage channel.

Note that Responder Settings vary by Product Edition. Verify your edition in 'Product Editions' under account settings.

  • Choose support team members as Responders

    • For ClearFeed External Helpdesk -

      • You can configure Slack users from specific domains to be Responders, or you can also add Slack users as additional responders if they are not from a common domain.

    • For ClearFeed Internal Helpdesk:

      • By default, all users who are Agents will be considered Responders. You can add additional support team members in the user section by assigning them the role of Agents.

    • For Integrating Slack & Internal Ticketing System

      • You can search for and add Slack users to assign them as Responders.

  • Auto Assign - This feature, when toggled ON, automatically assigns the request to the first responder. When toggled OFF, the requests will have to be assigned manually. It is advisable to keep the toggle ON

  • Responder messages in request channels - If toggled ON, responder messages in request channels will generate requests in the "Open" state. It is advisable to keep the toggle ON

Request Channel Settings

This setting allows you to manage all the channels that are part of a collection.

  • You can add or remove a channel from a collection, and also change the channel owner.

  • Channel Owner is a user that you define to manage that particular channel. This user has the right to move the channel from one collection to another and transfer ownership.

Automatic Monitoring of new Slack Connect channels

Note: This functionality is only available for accounts under the External Helpdesk product edition and can only be configured for a single Collection on your account.

If your Slack-connect channels are named in a set pattern, the ClearFeed bot can be automatically added to these channels once created.

  • ClearFeed can start monitoring the channel under the Collection where this setting is applied as soon as these channels turn into Slack-connect channels.

Regex Pattern: Enter the regex that determines the naming pattern of your channels.

E.g. consider channels named in the following pattern: clearfeed-acme1, clearfeed-acme2, etc... (where acme1 and acme2 are customer names).

  • In that case, the regex pattern you should insert would be ^clearfeed- to monitor all new channels created with this naming pattern.

Welcome Message

This feature enables you to create a custom Welcome Message that automatically greets new customers when they join a channel. You have 3 options for configuring your welcome message.

  • To New Request Channels - The Welcome message will be sent to the request channel whenever a new channel is added to a collection.

  • To New members of Request Channels - The Welcome message will be sent as an ephemeral message to every new user added to the request channel.

  • Both - The Welcome message will be sent to the request channel whenever a new channel is added to a collection. It will also be sent as an ephemeral message to every new user added to the request channel.

Note - When the welcome message is sent as an ephemeral message, it will only be visible to the Non-Responders.

Emoji Rules

  • React to the request message with 👀 emoji to assign the request to yourself.

  • Add the emoji to the request message to solve the request.

Note: These emoji actions are currently supported for ClearFeed Requests, ClearFeed Tickets, and Jira Ticketing.

  • Learn how emoji rules work for Jira ticketing here.

We will soon be extending support for other ticketing integrations.

Apply on Request Channel: Use the ⚙️ icon to enable applying the emoji reactions on the request channel message if the request is assigned/solved via any method (only applicable for ClearFeed requests).

Apply emoji rules for:

  • ClearFeed Requests: Emoji actions only work on ClearFeed Requests

  • External ticketing platform: Emoji actions only work on External Tickets (only Jira supported)

  • ClearFeed requests & external ticketing platform: Emoji actions work on both the external ticket and the associated ClearFeed Request.


This section can be used to enable ticketing, choosing the ticketing integration, setting rules for ticket creation, and mapping specific forms to the Collection.

To set up third-party ticketing - you would need to first set up an integration and enable ticketing. Read more here.

If your Product Edition is set to Internal Helpdesk - ClearFeed will be pre-selected as the ticketing integration. Moreover - you cannot disable ticketing or choose another integration.

Ask for Requestor Email

Enable this checkbox if you want to associate a separate requestor email for tickets initiated by responders.

Note: This feature is especially helpful for agents filing tickets on behalf of requestors (customers or internal users). It allows them to associate the ticket with the requestor's email address instead of their own.

Once ticketing is configured, you can configure Forms and then map specific forms to the Collection. Learn more about forms here: ClearFeed Forms, and Zendesk Forms.

Triage Channel Configuration

You can change the triage channel associated with the Collection in this section and also get a read-only view of the tagging settings (which are available to configure on Settings -> Triage).

To change the triage channel association, click on the dropdown and select a channel that you want to be configured as a new triage channel for this collection.

Virtual Agent

You can enable the Virtual Agent to generate GPT-powered answers for requests and post responses directly in the request channels that are monitored under the Collection.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

In this section, you can enable CSAT surveys to help the customers rate the support on requests. Detailed information on CSAT and its settings can be viewed here - CSAT Survey

Business Schedule and SLA settings

  • Define the Support hours and SLA policy specific to the collection.

  • Choose the appropriate Business Schedule and SLA policies.

  • To introduce a new business schedule, click Manage all Schedules

    • Learn more about how to configure and add Business Schedules here.

  • To establish a new SLA policy, select Manage all Policies

    • Learn more about how to configure and add SLA Policies here.

Note: A default business schedule is pre-selected and cannot be removed. You can configure the default business schedule in the SLA Settings or configure and select a fresh one.

Additional Settings

This section has information about the time when the collection was created, an option to delete a collection from ClearFeed, and other advanced collection settings.

Download Request Data

Requests data of a collection can be downloaded as a CSV from Additional Settings.

The downloaded data will contain the following information:
  • Request ID

  • Title

  • Author

  • Assignee

  • Status

  • Channel Name

  • Last Message Time (in UTC)

  • Request Creation Time (in UTC)

  • Is Linked Ticket Present

  • Linked Ticket Id

  • First Response Time SLA Breach

  • Time to first response (In Min) [Only present if SLA breached]

  • Closure Time SLA Breach

  • Closure Time (In Min) [Only present if SLA breached]


  • The data will only contain ClearFeed requests (identified by ClearFeed as customer requests)

  • Messages with a linked ticket will be present in the data, even if they have been marked as Not a Request

Advanced Collection level settings

⚠️ These settings should only be changed by power users and admins. Please reach out to ClearFeed support via Slack or support@clearfeed.ai if you need assistance with this

Click on + Configure new Setting to add settings. By default - the MESSAGE_CLASSIFICATION_CONFIG setting is available. This setting contains the parameters as shown below (all values are in minutes):


Important parameters that determine if new unthreaded messages are converted into new requests:

  1. CONSECUTIVE_MESSAGES_BY_SAME_AUTHOR_INTERVAL - If a user sends multiple direct messages on a channel within the given time interval, these messages are clubbed into a single request for the interval specified here. The default is 5 mins.

  2. TREAT_EVERY_PARENT_MESSAGE_AS_NEW_CONVERSATION - This setting turns every new message on a Slack channel into a request - disabling the entire message classification flow.

    • Set to true only if you want to turn each message on a channel into a new ticket.

Deleting a Collection


  • You must remove all the channels inside a collection before you can delete it

  • An empty collection can be deleted by using the Delete Collection button inside Additonal Settings

Remove and Move Channels

Remove Channels

To remove a channel from a collection, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the collection dropdown to expand the channels

  2. Click on the 3-dots against the channel you want to delete

  3. Click on Delete to open the confirmation modal

  4. Using the checkbox, choose if you want to remove ClearFeed from the channel

  5. To confirm the deletion, click on the Remove Channel button

Note: This will not affect your channel or messages on Slack. However, if you choose to remove ClearFeed from the channel, no new requests will be generated.

Move Channels

To move a channel from one collection to another, follow the following steps:

  1. Click on the collection dropdown to expand the channels

  2. Click on the 3-dots against the channel you want to move

  3. Click on Move to open the confirmation modal

  4. From the dropdown, choose the target collection where you plan to move the channel

  5. To confirm the transfer, click on the Save button

Note: All settings & workflows of the new collection will now apply to the moved channel. We suggest you to review those settings before you move the channel.

Last updated