
Learn how can ClearFeed's Notifications can be used by your team to stay on top of unanswered tickets

Notifications help you and your team get daily and weekly digests that contain a list of Open and Unsolved items. These are particularly helpful in getting a view of tickets pending a response. These notifications are delivered in what is called a digest.

ClearFeed supports the following notifications:

Daily Digest: Provides reminders about requests remaining in an Open from the last 7 days.

Triage Weekly Digest: Highlights Unsolved requests from the last month up until the most recent week:

  • After: 30 days ago

  • Before: 7 days ago

Personal Weekly Digest: Highlights Unsolved requests from the last two weeks, but excludes the most recent week:

  • After: 14 days ago

  • Before: 7 days ago

Last updated