Auto-Create a Salesforce Case

This feature enables all requests created by end-users in a request channel to automatically create a ticket in the ticketing system that is integrated with the collection to which the request channel belongs.

This feature is generally used when you want your support agents to continue working an existing ticketing system and don't want any new team members to monitor the slack channels.

Using this feature, along with the bi-directional sync functionality post responses from agents in the ticketing system back on the same Slack thread and let users continue the support chat from the Slack channel.

How it Works?

Let us go through the flow of creating a Salesforce Case from Slack using automatic case creation with ClearFeed.

  1. A customer conversation is created: When you get a message from a requester on a request channel about a new query, a request is created on ClearFeed.

  2. Auto-Creation of a Case: Each request is auto-converted to a Case.

  3. The slack message is synced to the ticketing platform ticket: The new request messages is sent over the ticketing platform.

  4. Case confirmation message: ClearFeed will post a reply on the corresponding thread once a ticket is created.

  5. We create and update a field Is_Clearfeed__c for all new cases that are created from the ClearFeed integration. This can be used to identify cases created from Slack

  6. Comments from Salesforce Case gets posted on Slack: Any public comment and attachments sent from Salesforce on the case get posted on the Slack thread. ClearFeed will post public comments from Salesforce agents as a bot. This bot will display the agent's name and profile picture.

  7. Messages from Slack get posted on the Salesforce case: Messages posted on the Slack thread will get posted on the Ticketing Platform.

  8. Sync with Triage Channel: All messages on the case and the request channel are also synced to the slack thread on the triage channel. A part of the team can continue to work from the triage channel as well. All responses from the triage channel will be posted on the request channel and get synced to the ticketing platform as well.

  9. Case solve and other state changes: When the case status changes state on the Ticketing Platform, ClearFeed sync the status of the case on the thread.

  10. Automated State Transition: Case Status is updated when a non-responder posts a message in the thread. If the Case is in pending/on-hold/solved status and if a customer replies to the case, then the case status changes to open.

  11. Reopen / Solve Case from Slack: You can reopen the case from slack if you find the issue is persisting.

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