Creating Salesforce Cases from Slack

Once you've configured Salesforce Integration in the previous steps, You can go ahead and create a Salesforce case from a Slack channel using the following methods:

View the above pages to read more details about each method of creating a Salesforce Case.

Note: While filing a case and adding a comment:

  1. Emoji can be only added on Contact's messages.

  2. While filing the case, the contact name will be the message author and the created by user will be emoji author. . If the message author is not present in Salesforce, we create a new Contact for this user and then file the ticket under this user.

  3. While moving messages from Slack -> Salesforce, the author of the messages need not be present on Salesforce. The messages will be synced irrespective of this

  4. Both Requester and Responders can create a Salesforce case from the Slack Request Channel

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