Setup Ticketing for a Collection

After you have successfully integrated your Atlassian account with ClearFeed, it is time to setup JSM as a Ticketing Integration for your Collection. This is a crucial step for filing JSM tickets from Slack. Follow the below steps to proceed:

Collection Configurations

  1. Choose the Collection for which you want to enable JSM Ticketing.

  2. Click on Settings tab, and expand the Ticketing Settings section.

  3. Enable the toggle, and choose the JSM as the Ticketing Integration.

  4. Choose a creation mode - Emoji or Automatic.

    • If you chose the former, you can further select a custom emoji from the list.

  5. Click on Save to successfully save the integration

  1. Further, click the ⚙️ icon to open the JSM setup modal. Here, select the default JSM project and issue type. Click on Save. If the user adds this emoji to a message then an issue will be created with the given default JSM project and issue.

Once you've completed the above steps successfully, you can go ahead and create a JSM issue from any channel connected to the collection for which you've set up the above configuration.

Last updated