Integrate GitHub with ClearFeed

ClearFeed can be integrated with GitHub Organization accounts. You can read more about GitHub Organization accounts here.

Integrating GitHub with ClearFeed

  1. You will need to be the GitHub organization admin to approve this access.

  2. You can integrate GitHub by heading over to the Account settings →Integrations tab→ GitHub.

  3. Press the Connect button against the GitHub section

  4. You will be redirected to the GitHub login page, where you’ll need to log in and install the ClearFeed App.

  5. You can select the app to be installed in all repositories or select specific repositories where it will be installed. (Note - if installed to specific repositories, only these repositories will be available to file GitHub issues).

  6. Once the above steps are completed - ClearFeed's App will be installed into the GitHub organization account and you will be redirected to the ClearFeed web app to finish the setup.

Installing the ClearFeed App directly from the GitHub Marketplace

ClearFeed App can be installed from the GitHub Marketplace and post-installation, the integration can be completed.

  1. Follow the link to get the ClearFeed app on GitHub Marketplace.

  2. Click on Set up a plan.

  1. Enter account and installation details and click on Complete order and begin installation.

  1. Once the installation is complete, you will be redirected to the ClearFeed Web App.

  2. Upon redirect, login to the ClearFeed Web App (if not logged in already) and you should get a success message which indicates that integration is completed.

Last updated