Create a new announcement using ClearFeed

Convert a Slack message into an announcement draft

To create your announcement using ClearFeed, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the announcement content on Slack:

    • Navigate to a Slack channel where the ClearFeed app is invited.

    • Draft the message you'd like to broadcast to your customers. Attach any necessary files directly to your Slack message.

    • Tip: For streamlined communication, we recommend creating a dedicated Slack channel for announcements. This keeps your announcements distinct from regular channels. ClearFeed this channelminimize distractions.

    • Note: Announcements can't be just an attachment. Some accompanying text is mandatory.

  2. Initiate the announcement creation using ClearFeed:

    • Locate your drafted message on Slack and click the three dots (options) next to it.

    • Select ClearFeed Actions from the dropdown. If it's not visible, click More message shortcuts and pick ClearFeed Actions.

    • Choose Create an announcement, and then press Next.

  3. Finalize and save your announcement on ClearFeed:

    • Give your announcement a meaningful title. Note: This will only be visible in the ClearFeed web app and won't appear in the announcement sent on Slack.

    • Click on Save as Draft, followed by the Click here prompt.

    • You'll be taken to the ClearFeed web app where you can finalize and broadcast your announcement.

Note: At present, Announcements cannot broadcast threaded Slack messages. Ensure all required details and attachments are consolidated within a single message.

Ready to send your announcement? Next, learn how to broadcast it across Slack channels!

Last updated