Solving Zendesk Tickets from Slack

Learn about how to solve Zendesk tickets from Slack and the different scenarios you could face while solving the tickets.

You can solve Zendesk tickets from the request channel by clicking on the Mark As Solved button on the ticket details message.

This button can be configured to be accessed by everyone or only responders. If you want to configure the accessibility and visibility of this action, read about Screen Configuration for Zendesk to understand the detailed steps.

Mandatory fields required to solve a ticket

On Zendesk, you can configure the custom fields as Required to solve a ticket. This ensures certain fields are always updated before tickets are resolved (read more here).

If you have configured fields on Zendesk that are required before solving a ticket - ClearFeed will display these fields in a Solve ticket dialog box when you try to solve a ticket in which such mandatory fields are associated.

Note: This dialog box will only show the ClearFeed-supported Zendesk field types (Text, Multi-line, Drop-down, Multi-select, Checkbox, Number, and Date).

If any other field types are required to solve the ticket - we will show an error message stating the field names. These fields can be updated from Zendesk to solve the ticket.

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