
Collections form the core of ClearFeed functionality, acting as way to group channels and apply configurations.

Collections are a group of Slack Channels on which similar request management and ticketing settings will apply.

  • These settings include a set of responders, triage channels, workflows (eg. alerts on requests and no responses), ticketing settings, and many more.

Note that any collections you create will belong to the same product edition chosen during account setup. To verify your current product edition, navigate to product editions in the account settings.

Create a Collection

Note that Creating a Collection varies by Product Edition. Select your product edition from the options below to learn how to create a corresponding collection:

Additional Collection Settings

This section has information about the Collection's creation date and time, an option to delete a collection from ClearFeed, and other advanced collection settings.

Download Collection Data

Requests data of a collection can be downloaded as a CSV from Additional Settings.

The downloaded data will contain the following information:
  • Request ID

  • Title

  • Author

  • Assignee

  • Status

  • Channel Name

  • Last Message Time (in UTC)

  • Request Creation Time (in UTC)

  • Is Linked Ticket Present

  • Linked Ticket Id

  • First Response Time SLA Breach

  • Time to first response (In Min) [Only present if SLA breached]

  • Closure Time SLA Breach

  • Closure Time (In Min) [Only present if SLA breached]


  • The data will only contain ClearFeed requests (identified by ClearFeed as customer requests)

  • Messages with a linked ticket will be present in the data, even if they have been marked as Not a Request

Message Merging Controls

⚠️ These settings should only be changed by power users and admins. Please reach out to ClearFeed support via Slack or if you need assistance with this.

Click on + Configure new Setting to add settings. By default - the MESSAGE_CLASSIFICATION_CONFIG setting is available. This setting contains the parameters as shown below (all values are in minutes):


Important parameters that determine if new unthreaded messages are converted into new requests:

  1. CONSECUTIVE_MESSAGES_BY_SAME_AUTHOR_INTERVAL - If a user sends multiple direct messages on a channel within the given time interval, these messages are clubbed into a single request for the interval specified here. The default is 5 mins.

  2. TREAT_EVERY_PARENT_MESSAGE_AS_NEW_CONVERSATION - This setting turns every new message on a Slack channel into a request - disabling the entire message classification flow.

    • Set to true only if you want to turn each message on a channel into a new ticket.

Deleting a Collection

  • You must remove all the channels inside a collection before you can delete it

  • An empty collection can be deleted by using the Delete Collection button inside Additonal Settings

Last updated