Emoji Rules

Emoji Rules enable quick actions on ClearFeed requests/tickets allowing you to save time and get work done on Slack.

For Jira: This page covers emoji rules for ClearFeed requests/tickets. Learn how to set and use emoji actions for Jira here.

Emoji based Actions

  • React to the request message with 👀 emoji to assign the request to yourself.

  • Add the emoji to the request message to solve the request.

Note: These emoji actions are currently supported for ClearFeed Requests, ClearFeed Tickets, and Jira Ticketing.

We will soon be extending support for other ticketing integrations.

Apply on Request Channel: Use the ⚙️ icon to enable applying the emoji reactions on the request channel message if the request is assigned/solved via any method (only applicable for ClearFeed requests).

Apply emoji rules for:

  • ClearFeed Requests: Emoji actions only work on ClearFeed Requests

  • External ticketing platform: Emoji actions only work on External Tickets (only Jira supported)

  • ClearFeed requests & external ticketing platform: Emoji actions work on both the external ticket and the associated ClearFeed Request.

Emoji actions with ClearFeed Ticketing

Last updated