For Internal Helpdesk

Learn how to effectively utilize ClearFeed ticketing and the triage channel to support your employees on Slack.

Key functionalities of the triage channel for Internal Helpdesk
  • Serves as a single source of truth for consolidating tickets created using different methods.

  • Different internal teams can operate out of separate triage channels for privacy.

  • Allows agents to respond to tickets and edit ticket properties.

  • Facilitates internal communication between agents and allows sharing the ticket to an engineering integration such as Jira, GitHub, Linear, etc...

Ticket Management

When an internal employee creates a ClearFeed ticket using any method, the tickets will be directed to the Triage channel of the respective Collection as shown below.

  • You can reply in the triage channel thread, and the responses will be synced to the ticket thread where the end user (requestor) can see the replies.

  • The Edit Ticket button lets you manage the ticket properties defined in the Form's Edit Ticket section used to create the ticket.

    • Read more about managing the edit ticket form here.

  • Use internal comments (prefix messages with🔒emoji) to collaborate internally.

  • Use More Actions to file a task with an external tool like Jira, GitHub, Linear, etc.

  • Mark as Solved allows you to resolve the ticket.

    • Mark as Closed allows you to close the ticket permanently.

Triage Properties

Internal Comments

Using Internal Comments on the triage channel
  • ClearFeed allows private conversations between agents on tickets using the 🔒emoji.

  • Messages (and any attachments) prefixed with the 🔒emoji stay hidden from the requestor.

Triage More Actions

Enable agents on the triage channel to convert ClearFeed tickets into tasks in downstream task management systems with More actions.

Clicking More Actions shows the requestor's email and the ClearFeed Collection from which the ticket has been generated.

Visibility of fields

  • All fields from the Create action form that have been filled out (i.e. they have a value associated) will be shown on the triage channel.

  • Any field from the Edit action form modified after ticket creation is also visible on the triage channel block.

Last updated