CSAT Survey

How to setup and send ClearFeed CSAT Surveys

ClearFeed CSAT

ClearFeed currently supports automatic Slack-Native CSATs for either:

  • All Requests

  • Only Tickets (Only for requests which have been converted to a ticket)

If your account is on the Internal Helpdesk product edition - the CSAT surveys can only be sent on tickets and not on All Requests.

When the CSAT survey is enabled and the request or Ticket moves to the Solved state (the terminal state for a specific ticketing integration), a CSAT Survey message will be sent to the request channel visible to the requester.

  • Currently, the ClearFeed CSAT survey supports a 5-point survey.

  • You have the option to customize the CSAT survey question.

  • You can also ask the users for additional comments if the CSAT rating is below a certain score.

An example of CSAT Survey Message

Each of the above inputs corresponds to a 5-point score with 5 being represented by the left-most emoji :smile:

Who can respond?

Any user on the request channel who is not set as a "Responder" in ClearFeed will be able to respond. In other words, any non-responder on the request channel can add and respond to the ClearFeed CSAT Survey.

(Not sure who are responders for your Collections - check out the guide here to understand the responder settings).

Enable Surveys

Steps to enable CSAT for a Collection:

  1. Navigate to the Collection.

  2. Go to Settings

  3. Scroll down, and you'll notice CSAT Settings.

  4. Toggle ON the option to Enable CSAT survey

  5. Choose how you want to send the survey:

    1. For all requests (send the CSAT survey when any request is marked as solved)

    2. Only for requests with tickets (send the CSAT survey only when requests converted to tickets are marked as solved)

  6. Modify the CSAT Survey Question

    • By default, the CSAT Question is "How would you rate the support received?"

  7. Additional comments for specific CSAT ratings

    • Ask requestors to add comments if the CSAT rating is below a certain threshold.

View Results

CSAT scores and comments can be viewed against a request via the Collections Dashboard.

  • To view this, head over to the collection with CSAT enabled and choose CSAT from Modify Column to add the CSAT score as a viewable column.

  • You can open an individual request to view the specific CSAT comments.

CSAT Comments are not visible on the request view if no triage channel is configured for the Collection. Learn how to configure a triage channel here.

This score and comments are also available while viewing details of the request by selecting the request from the dashboard.

CSAT Rating and Comment visible in the request view

Last updated