ClearFeed Slack App

App Home For Agents

  • The ClearFeed Slack app allows responders to view and filter all requests within Slack.

  • Before using the App home, you need to select one ClearFeed Account if you have multiple accounts linked to the same Slack workspace.

  • The requests can be Assigned, Re-assigned, or Marked as Solved when the requests are displayed by selecting the three-dots selection against each request.

This view is only visible to the users added to the ClearFeed Webapp.

Not all filters are supported on the Slack App Home. For accessing advanced filters, views, and display options please visit the ClearFeed Webapp.

My Tickets for Requesters

  • My Tickets helps the users to see the tickets they have created.

  • Filters help you choose the time range for which the tickets should be displayed.

  • Clicking on any ticket will take you to the source of the ticket

  • If the ticket was filed using the Slash command or File a ticket button - the ticket link would redirect you to the Messages section where you can update the ticket further.

This view is only visible to users who are not added to the ClearFeed web app.

Slash Commands

Using ClearFeed Slash commands, agents can easily and quickly filter and view requests.

  • ClearFeed Slash commands can be used by typing /cf requests in a Slack channel.

  • The commands can be run either in request channels or triage channels. Channels need to be monitored by ClearFeed for the commands to be run.

    • If slash commands are run in a triage channel, all requests in the channels for which the triage channel is set up will be shown.

    • If slash commands are run in a request channel, then only requests that are present in that channel will be shown.

  • Use /cf requests to open an interactive input (this will be only visible to you) which will allow agents to filter requests based on channel, status, assignee, duration, and request type.

  • You can also leverage the slash commands to filter requests directly from the chat box without needing to fill the interactive modal. The filters can be used in conjunction with /cf requests.

    • For example, if an agent wants to filter requests in a triage channel with the following conditions:

      • They are the assignee.

      • Requests are from a specific channel

      • The status of the request is On Hold

    • This can be achieved directly using the below-mentioned slash command: /cf requests --assignee @Jaynil Pandya --status=on_hold --channel=#request-sandbox

Expand to read more on Command-line-like options to filter requests using Slash Commands

--assignee — Filter by request assignees. Tag the users using the @ symbol. Use all to get requests irrespective of their assignee. Use empty to get requests that are unassigned. Defaults to requests assigned to you. --status — Filter by request statuses. Allowed values are open, in_progress, closed, and on_hold. Use all to get requests irrespective of their status. Defaults to requests which are open and in progress. --channel — If the command is run in a triage channel, an additional filter over the channels for which the triage channel is set up can be applied. Tag the channels using the # symbol. Defaults to all channels belonging to the triage channel. --duration — Duration within which the requests have been raised. Positive and negative values represent newer than or older than respectively. For example, --duration 7 means requests newer than 7 days and --duration -7 means requests older than 7 days. Defaults to requests newer than 30 days. --start — Filter by start date. For example, --start 2023-01-15 means requests newer than the start of 15th Jan 2023. --end — Filter by end date. For example, --end '15 Jan 2023' means requests older than the end of 15th Jan 2023. --type — Filter by request types. Allowed values are all, with-tickets. For example, --type with-tickets filters the requests to include only those that are associated with a ticket. Defaults to all requests or with-tickets depending upon whether triage settings are configured for all requests or with tickets.

/cf help — Display usage information. Use the --help flag for more information on a command.

Last updated