For External Helpdesk

Create Collection

  1. To set up the collection Navigate to Collections from the side navigation bar.

  2. Click on the Add new Collection button on the bottom-left of the page

  3. Choose support team members as Responders

    • You can configure Slack users from specific domains to be responder, or you can also add Slack users as additional responders if they are not from a common domain

    • Check auto-assignment to first-responders ON

  4. Add Request channels on which you plan to provide support to customers

    • All public Slack channels can be added from the web app

    • Private Slack channels can be added by typing /invite @Clearfeed on the Slack channels. They can only be added after a Collection is created

  5. Add a Triage channel for the support team to work from on Slack

    • You can select Create new channel or Select existing option

  6. In the Ticketing section, you can keep the option un-checked. Generally, we have observed that for external support on Slack, you'd like to keep it conversational.

  7. You can edit an existing workflow to send a notification to the corresponding triage channel if there is no response to a request for 60 mins

  8. Set up a custom Welcome message for this particular collection

Responder Settings

Responders are people from your organisation who should be treated as support agents/members.

  • For the external helpdesk use case - the Responder settings allow you to enter an email domain.

  • Everyone in your Slack workspace who shares that email domain is considered a responder.

  • You can also add Slack users as additional responders if they are not from a common domain.

E.g. Anyone from ClearFeed will be considered a Responder. If you enter other domains, anyone with the same domain in the Slack workspace will also be considered a responder.

Responder messages in request channels

  • If toggled ON, responder messages in request channels will generate requests in the "Open" state. It is advisable to keep the toggle ON

Last updated