Reporting Overview

Getting Started

To access reporting, click on the Insights icon on the left navigation bar:

Metrics Supported

  • In Request Tab - This section provides insights specific to your responders and agents

    • Number of Requests

    • Number of Messages

    • First Response Time

    • Response Time

    • Resolution Time

    • First Resolution Time

    • Average CSAT Score

    • % First Response SLA Breached

    • % of Resolution Time SLA Breached

    • % One Touch SLA Breached

  • In Virtual Agent Tab - This section provides insights specific to Clearfeed Virtual Agent

    • Number of Interactions

    • Number of Responses

    • Number of Generated Answers

    • Number of Positive Feedback

    • Number of Negative Feedback

Review the detailed definitions here.


  • You can aggregate metrics in three different ways for detailed reporting and insights:

    • Average

    • Median

    • Percentile: Metrics can be aggregated for the 75th, 90th, and 95th percentiles.

  • Aggregation options are available for the following metrics:

    • First Response Time

    • Response Time

    • First Resolution Time

    • CSAT Score

  • For other metrics, the default aggregation method is Average.

Breakdown and Filters

The breakdown allows you to slice through the data by different parameters for any applied metric - request status, channel, author, assignee, collection name, owner, CSAT Score, and Form name

You can also apply the following sub-filters - channel, status, priority, collection name, forms, and request with tickets to cut down the data further.

Using the Request with Tickets filter is only currently visible for Number of requests metric. Using this, only requests with any converted or linked ticket will be visible Note:

  • Requests with only task management systems are not counted (Eg: Jira, Github)

  • Only the number of requests is shown through the filter, not the number of total tickets Additionally, there is a date filter to select the default date ranges (eg. today, last 7 days, last 30 days, last quarter, etc.) or to select custom date ranges to review the metrics appropriately.

Data Export

ClearFeed supports data export/download in CSV format. The data can be exported by clicking the button highlighted below:

Report timezone

By default, all the reports in Analytics follow the default timezone that is configured in the Account Settings. You can always edit the timezone by going into Account Settings -> SLA Settings.

Last updated