Email <> Slack Workflow

How does the Email <> Slack integration with ClearFeed work?

  1. Requests sent over to the support email will be shared on a Slack channel.

  2. Agents can respond to the email request by replying to the Slack thread.

  3. The replies are synced back as email to the customer/user.

Requester Experience

  1. The requester can send an email for support to either your existing email address or ClearFeed support email (i.e. of the format support@<subdomain>

  2. If acknowledgment is enabled, the requester will get the acknowledgment as a reply

  3. Agent's replies are shared on the same email thread with the requester

Agent Experience

  1. Tickets from email are synced to a dedicated channel on Slack

  2. Agents can reply in the ticket thread - their replies will get sent back to the requester

  3. These tickets can also flow directly into a triage channel (if configured) - and any replies from the triage channel are also synced back to the requester over email

Last updated