This section highlights the frequently asked questions about Channel Management. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out at support@clearfeed.ai or via Slack.

  1. Is it possible to bulk-add private channels into a collection?

Ans: It is not possible to bulk-add private channels due to permission limitations from Slack. You can use /invite @Clearfeed to add ClearFeed to private channels.

  1. What happens when we archive a Slack Channel?

Ans: Once a channel is archived, ClearFeed is removed from that channel, and the channel is stopped being monitored.

On the ClearFeed web app, the following interface is observed for an archived channel:

Possible actions:

  • To add ClearFeed back into the archived channel, unarchive the channel and then click on Restore Data button to start monitoring the channel again with previous Requests data also being restored.

  • To remove an archived channel permanently, click on Delete Data button which will remove the channel from the Collection altogether.

  1. Is it possible to monitor channels that were previously private and then turned public?

Ans: If a previously private channel is turned public, it doesn’t appear on the ClearFeed web app UI. To monitor these channels:

  • Go to the channel and invite the ClearFeed bot using /invite @Clearfeed.

  • Once that is done, select the Channel Owner and Collection to which this channel should be added.

  • Click on Start Monitoring.

The above flow is visually showcased here.

  1. What is a ClearFeed channel owner?

A channel owner is a user that you define to manage that particular channel. This user has the right to move the channel from one collection to another and transfer ownership.

Moreover - when announcements are sent, they can be sent on behalf of the respective channel owner.

Last updated