Authentication Guide

To access ClearFeed APIs, authentication is required using a bearer token. This token acts as a secure passkey for authorized usage. Follow these steps to obtain and use the token.

Obtaining Your API Token:

  1. Access Developer Settings: Open your web browser and navigate to Developer Settings.

  1. Generate New Token: If you haven't generated an API token yet, simply click the Generate Token button. This will create a new token for your use.

After generating the token, you can easily copy it and begin using it.

Remember, it's crucial to keep your token secure and avoid sharing it. If you suspect any compromise, promptly revoke the token; you can always generate a new one from the same page.

Using Your API Token:

Include the bearer token in the HTTP request's Authorization header for API access:

GET /v1/rest/endpoint
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN_HERE

Last updated