Quick Start

Discover ClearFeed APIs: Get your API token from Developer Settings, make your first Request

Get your API token

All API requests in ClearFeed are authenticated using an API token. Any request that doesn't include an API token will return Forbidden exception. You can generate an API token from the Developer Settings section in the WebApp whenever needed. For additional details, please refer the following section.

Make your first request

Ready to get started? All you need to do is make an authenticated call to the requests endpoint for your first request. This nifty action fetches your account's requests and neatly presents them to you. Check out how it's done using the curl example below:

curl --request GET \
  --url 'https://api.clearfeed.app/v1/rest/requests' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}'

Kudos on your first API call! Dive into the detailed API reference for more.

Last updated